

Developing Story: Australian gynecologist Dr. Luke McLinden has been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, found that (50% – 74%) of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages

UPDATE: (2022-07-27 @19:00 EST)

I reached out to Dr. McLinden and received a response from a colleague.

I have forwarded your email. It’s important the data gets published, at least as preprint or will be discredited before it sees the light of day. The miscarriage rate was 50% for all comers, the 74% concerned close vaccination around time of conception

I asked if it was ok to post the response and was told it’s ok, with a bit more:

You can say that amongst high risk pregnancy after vaccines started 19 of 38 had a miscarriage (50%) vs around 14% pre vaccine (40 people from memory). There appears to be a relationship with the proximity of vaccination to conception that may elevate the risk further to around 74% but this data is preliminary and is in process of being published.

So, this is certainly bad, 50% compared to 14%, but, good news, not as bad as 74% for EVERY jabbed pregnancy. Relationship of jab proximity to conception is certainly interesting. I wonder if the jab status and proximity to conception of the father is also considered in his data? Keep an eye out for this preprint.

ORIGINAL: (2022-07-26)

I saw this on Liberty Beacon discussed in a video and started digging. SuperSally mentions it in her article.

from SuperSally’s article:

Dr. McLindon is quoted as having said that he is seeing pregnancy losses in up to 74% of the vaccinated women in his practice. This is 4.6 to 14.8 times higher than typical normal rates of loss which range from 5 to 16% (58 – 69% above typical losses). We must also note that he sees women who have managed to get and stay pregnant long enough to see a doctor. His data does not reflect failure to get pregnant or very early losses.

From Liberty Beacon:

McLindon has been the principal investigator for a series of random controlled trials; he’s the president of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine. And he’s just been sacked (ER: a couple of links for him have evidently been altered in a google search). Why? Apparently for not getting vaccinated, but he was also trying to release data on miscarriage rates post-vaccination. He has one week to get out of his office. McLindon has been investigating miscarriages in couples post-vaccination. The normal miscarriage rate is anything from 5% to 16%, but since the rollout of the vaccination, his data are telling him that 74% (seventy four) of vaccinated women are having miscarriages. Which explains why hospitals want to deal directly with crematoria, bypassing funeral directors, when dealing with dead babies. According to O’Looney, vans are taking multiple babies directly to crematoria and the common thread is vaccinated mothers.

Important to note:

Dr Luke McLindon is President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.


Fertility Issues; Senior Australian Dr. Reported to have been Sacked for Refusing C-19 Jab and for Trying to Publish Data Showing that 74% of Vaccinated Women in His Practice Suffer Miscarriage. | supersally substack


Fertility Issues; Senior Australian Dr. Reported to have been Sacked for Refusing C-19 Jab and for Trying to Publish Data Showing that 74% of Vaccinated Women in His Practice Suffer Miscarriage. | supersally substack

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