
Wykryto zmienioną ekspresję 505 genów u zaszczepionych na COVID zwiększającą prawdopodobieństwo nowotworów

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Four cases of cytokine storm after COVID-19 vaccination: Case report

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Zbadaliśmy cztery ciała osób, które zmarły 1–10 dni po otrzymaniu drugiego szczepienia COVID-19. Oszacowano, że w chwili śmierci temperatura ich ciała była nienormalnie wysoka. U tych pacjentów przeprowadzono sekcję zwłok, które nie ujawniły żadnych informacji o przyczynie zgonu – analiza patologiczna nie wykazała zmian w narządach pierwotnych. Tutaj podajemy przyczynę śmierci oszacowaną przez sekwencjonowanie RNA.

Sekwencjonowanie RNA ujawniło, że geny zaangażowane w degranulację neutrofili i sygnalizację cytokin były w tych przypadkach podwyższone, co sugeruje, że po szczepieniu wystąpiła dysregulacja immunologiczna.

Rozregulowanie odporności jest jedną ze standardowych przyczyn, dla których komórki rakowe unikają wykrycia przez układ odporności i są w stanie tworzyć przerzuty, zamiast zostać natychmiast zdmuchniętym przez wędrujące komórki Killer T..

Szczegóły wraz z wyjaśnieniem dla laików

What did they find?

We’ll break this down into a few steps for clarity:

Step #1: They found a total of 505 (yeah, that’s a lot) genes that were “differentially expressed [] between individuals with unknown cause of death (unknown group) and the control group”. 390 genes were ‘higher’/more expressed in the vaccine death patients, and 115 genes were ‘lower’/less expressed in the vaccine death patients, compared to the 2 control patients that died of other causes.

Step #2: They then had to identify these 505 RNA’s/genes – ie, what proteins were these coding for or relevant to.

Step #3: They then had to try and figure out what this combination of genes would do/cause. This is not the most exact science as there is a lot we still don’t understand about the human genome & proteins. They “estimated” that some of the genes expressed more in the vaccine death patients were involved in increasing immune cells and activity, such as cytokines (think of the dreaded covid “cytokine storm”, which is what they titled their study)3.

Step #3b: They extrapolated from the increased expression of these immune-system genes that there was aggressive immunological activity run amok – “these results provide evidence of a hyperactive immune response in the group with unknown cause of death” – that killed these patients – “the RNA sequencing results suggested that an abnormal secretion of cytokines, possibly a cytokine storm, may have occurred after vaccination, resulting in SIRS and death.”

(SIRS = Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)

. . .


The most immediate takeaway here is that the vaccines seem to have caused runaway immune activation that killed the 4 vaccinated patients where there was no other observable cause of death.

However, there is a broader and far more ominous implication of this study. The discovery of 505 genes with significantly altered gene expression suggests that the vaccines fundamentally screw up – “dysregulate” – the normal pathways and chemistry that controls or regulates the immune system. It also shows that the vaccines do something very “not good” to something/s in the nucleus of cells. In other words, the vaccines precipitate “unanticipated” irregular cellular “stuff” that alters the state of the DNA and the proteins/enzymes that control the DNA (“epigenetic factors”).

DNA stuff going wrong is the paradigmatic precipitating cause for the creation of cancerous cells.

Immune dysregulation is one of the standard causes for cancerous cells to evade immune detection and be able to metastasize instead of being snuffed out right away by roving Killer T-Cells.

Ideally, someone will follow up and sequence RNA from blood samples of live vaccinated people with vaccine injuries and without vaccine injuries, and from unvaccinated people, and compare them.

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